Monthly Musing – July 2023

August 1, 2023

In response to being asked about how to go deeper with one’s practice with children, we offer these monthly as invitations for you. You might take the invitation up:

  • as an individual or with your team
  • at monthly staff meetings
  • to provoke conversations when feeling stuck

The opportunities are endless.

We will pose these musings monthly but use them as you feel moved to. You might spend more than a month with one question. Or you might revisit a question at a later time. Each time you visit or revisit a question, new possibilities emerge.

This month’s musing comes from the holistic play-based goal of Communication & Literacies and the facet of Multimodal Literacies.

How does the social experience gained from peer interaction contribute to multimodal literacy engagement and production? Think about how ideas, thoughts, and experiences, songs, dance, block building, poems, letters, lists, and jokes are shared with children. How are pleasure, curiosity, and persistence modelled and honoured?

(Makovichuk et al., 2014, p. 106)


An additional resource for your consideration:

New Brunswick Curriculum Framework for Early Learning and Child Care – Communication and Literacies (p.28-46)